
Our school is offering students the best study environment for their futures. “We are supporting students from their study to their daily life including part-time jobs so that they can achieve their dreams.”

School philosophy

  1. High quality education; our school and teachers will provide students classes with enthusiasm. The curriculum will help students pass JLPT; our school and teachers will support from students’ advanced study to their job-hunting activities.
  2. Our school has been designed not only for individual study, but also for mutual learning between teachers and students.
  3. Our school will offer students the best education for their future to succeed.
School philosophy

New Info

Course introduction

International students

Examination fee JPY30,000    Admission JPY100,000
2years couse(April enrollment) 1.5-year course(October enrollment)
Payment period Before arrival in Japan 2nd yeear Before arrival in Japan 2nd yeear
Tuition 500,000 500,000 500,000 250,000
Materials fee 20,000 20,000 20,000 10,000
Insurance fee 26,000 - 20,000 -
Total 546,000 520,000 540,000 260,000


Examination fee JPY30,000Admission JPY60,000
2years couse(April enrollment)
Payment period Before arrival in Japan 2nd yeear
Tuition 500,000 500,000
Materials fee 20,000 20,000
Insurance fee 26,000 -
Total 546,000 520,000


1.5-year course(October enrollment)
Payment period Before arrival in Japan 2nd yeear
Tuition 500,000 250,000
Materials fee 20,000 10,000
Insurance fee 20,000 -
Total 540,000 260,000


Web Lesson and Working Holiday


Web Lesson (online)

ワーキングホリデーVISAを 取得しゅとく して 日本語にほんご勉強べんきょう したい かた わせください。

About Path after graduation

  • 来日らいにち西日本にしにほん ビジネス 語学学院卒業ごがくがくいんそつぎょう大学がいがく専門学校せんもんがっこう進学しんがく
  • 来日らいにち西日本にしにほん ビジネス 語学学院卒業ごがくがくいんそつぎょう日本にほん での 就職しゅうしょく母国大卒者ぼこくだいそつしゃ
  • 来日らいにち西日本にしにほん ビジネス 語学学院卒業ごがくがくいんそつぎょう日本にほん での 就職しゅうしょく特定技能試験合格とくてぎのうしけんごうかく
  • 希望者きぼうしゃ特定技能試験とくていぎのうしけん サポートします
  • 来日らいにち西日本にしにほん ビジネス 語学学院卒業ごがくがくいんそつぎょう帰国きこく し、 母国ぼこく にて 活動かつどう

Introduction of accomodation


School dormitories and apartments nearby that we'll help students find and contract with.

school dormitory

Monthly fee Initial cost Deposit Minimum contract period
a room for 1 person JPY 20,000~25,000 JPY 30,000 JPY 50,000 6 months
a room for 2 persons JPY 15,000~18,000 JPY 30,000 JPY 50,000 6 months

School dormitories and apartments nearby that we'll help students find and contract with.

school dormitory

a room for 1 person
Monthly fee JPY20,000~25,000
Initial cost JPY30,000
Deposit JPY50,000
Minimum contract period 6 months

a room for 2 persons
Monthly fee JPY 15,000~18,000
Initial cost JPY 30,000
Deposit JPY 50,000
Minimum contract period 6 months

Introduction of part time

  • In order to work a part-time job in Japan, students must ask for the working permission at Immigration Bureau. We will help students to apply for it.
  • Working hours is up to 28 hours per week (in case of long vacation,up to 8 hours per day).
  • Our school will help students find a part-time job.
Introduction of part time

Safety measures about COVID-19

①Installation of partition


②Installation of air purifier


③Installation of air conditioner with air cleaner


④Implementation of alcohol disinfection


⑤Prepare liquid used for gargling
(Has a preventive effect for Covid-19)
